In Acts chapter 2, one of the key ways the church grows is through fellowship with one another. Life Groups are where we do life together.
It is where we find out more about Jesus, share life together, encourage, teach and support each other. In most Life groups, we also share food together, whether that be a light snack, tea and coffees, or a meal with food and drink. Please scroll down to find out more.
Our coffee mornings began during the winter months (following the closure of our church’s foodbank) and it is a safe space where people can enjoy some nice cups of coffee or tea, some biscuits or cake, socialise and make some new friends. It runs on Tuesday mornings from 10am to 12pm. We end our times together doing a bible study but there is no need to stay around for the bible study. The Bible studies are however a place where you can ask questions, chat about issues of life and faith, and pray together with others.
Come and check it out, and if it is not for you, there is no pressure to come back another time. Please contact Selwyn or Ed to find out more about coffee mornings.
God calls all people (both men and women) to follow him. Our men’s ministry is aimed at providing a space where men can share their lives together, ask questions, encourage, challenge and support each other, and pray together. Once part of the group, we also encourage men to form prayer triplets where they can go deeper with a few men who they feel they can trust, pray together, and be each other’s accountability partners.
Our men’s group runs once every six weeks (usually on Saturday mornings) but if you’d like to find out more about the next meeting and when it is, then please contact Nathan or check our church’s upcoming events section.
We are thankful for our women’s ministry who meet regularly for fellowship and to encourage and challenge one another. Please find information below on two ways you can get involved in women’s ministry at St Luke’s:
Ladies Prayer Breakfast – On the first Saturday of every month we have a bring-and-share prayer breakfast, 9am – 10.30am. Time to share food and fellowship, read God’s word, and pray for each other. All ladies welcome!
Termly events – Once a term we gather together for a fun social event, such as a clothes swap, craft night, or puddings and prayer. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together, and a great thing to invite friends and neighbours to as well.
If you’d like to find out more about our women’s group, please contact Fuzz.
We have various Life groups that run usually on Tuesday evenings and meet either in people’s homes, online or in the church building. Please contact Ed or Selwyn or Nathan if you’d like to find out more about Life groups or if you’d like to join a Life group.