Safeguarding at St Luke’s

As a church, we take safeguarding very seriously. We want our church to be a place where everyone is safe, can know and experience the love of God, and give and receive love from other people.

However, we recognise that we live in a broken world. A world where people are hurting and where people hurt others. Therefore, if you or someone you know is experiencing abuse of any kind (such as emotional, physical, domestic, financial or sexual abuse), then please do not stay silent. Please speak to our safeguarding leads Ed Dix and Carolynne McGaughey. They will listen to you, record what you’ve said and report it.

If your concerns are about a staff member of the St Luke’s Millwall team, then please speak with Ed Dix.
If your concerns are about Ed Dix, then please speak with Carolynne.

Alternatively, you can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team directly on 020 7932 1224 or via email at

You will not be judged, your concerns will be recorded and your concerns will be reported.

You can read our full safeguarding policy here