Who we are

St. Luke’s Millwall is a diverse, multicultural church. We are a community that believes in a God who is overflowing with love and who gives us an anchor of hope in the storms of life. We believe in a God who never lets go of us when we put our faith in him. We’re passionate about experiencing this faith, hope and love, and sharing it with our friends and neighbours – we’re a community that wants to be overflowing with the love of God.


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Our Vision and Mission

Here at St Luke’s Millwall, we want to overflow with the love of God.

Our vision

Our vision is to be a growing community of committed worshipers who pursude righteousness, are confident to share the good news of Jesus, and empowered by Holy Spirit to bring freedom and healing to all

Our mission

We want to be a community that loves and worships God with our whole lives.

A community that is grounded in prayer, shaped by scripture and transformed by God’s Holy Spirit.
A community that serves and encourages each other.
A community that shares the good news of Jesus with our neighbourhood and beyond.
A community that responds to the needs of those around us with the love of Jesus.
We want to be good news for the Isle of Dogs.


The core beliefs of St Luke’s Millwall

We believe and trust in one God who exists in community and has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that we can know God because God has made himself known – ultimately through the person of His Son Jesus Christ and through the Bible (the word of God).

  • We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word. The Bible is a book that tells the story of what God did, how God spoke and how God engaged with people (in particular with the nation of Israel) and how they responded to God’s words and actions. The Bible was written by different people at different times and in different places but we believe that these stories were inspired by God and are useful for teaching and instructing us on how we should live in this world. 

  • We believe that the climax of the biblical story is God’s self-revelation – God coming to earth in the person of His Son Jesus Christ – being born, living, dying and rising again to save us, to bring us into relationship with Himself, to make us obedient and righteous like His Son Jesus, and to give us eternal life.
  • We believe that God not only tells us how to live but empowers us to live rightly – to live in obedience to Him, to forgive, love and live in right relationships with other people, and to seek His justice and peace in the world. 

  • We believe that salvation and eternal life are gifts from God to be received by faith. We cannot earn our way to heaven or make ourselves righteous. These are all gifts from God.

  • We believe that God created us for community and when we believe in Jesus, God places us into a community (a body of people called his church). The church is meant to be the place where we learn together with others what it means to follow God. Church is the place where we learn to pray, to read and study God’s word, and to fast. Church is the place where we are baptised and welcomed into God’s family, and receive Holy Communion (visible reminders of what Jesus has done for us in his death).

  • We believe that the church is also the place where we hear God’s call to participate in His mission in the world. God loves the world and wants everyone to live and enjoy eternal life. But eternal life is only found in Jesus Christ, so God sends Christians out from the church and into the world to share the good news of God’s love, grace and forgiveness. Through Jesus, we are all welcomed into God’s family, can know God, can live for God, and can live forever.

  • We are part of the Church of England. More information about the Church of England can be found on https://www.churchofengland.org/.


Overflowing with the love of God

In 1868 the first St Luke’s church building was built to serve the growing population of Millwall, at the northern end of the Isle of Dogs.

The original church building was bombed during the Second World War, and was subsequently demolished.

The changing needs of the Isle of Dogs led to a decision to demolish the building and construct a new purpose-built facility fit for the 21st Century.

And then in October 2018, the new church building was opened and dedicated by the then Bishop of Stepney Rt Revd Adrian Newman. Following the opening and dedication of St Luke’s as a place of worship,  The Rt Revd Adrian Newman, the Bishop of Stepney, said:

“With St Luke’s now open, the growing Christian community in the local area will have somewhere they can call home, and celebrate the love of Jesus Christ.  The Isle of Dogs is an area undergoing immense change, so I’m glad that St Luke’s can now act as a beacon in the parish, welcoming young and old to its modern surroundings.”